Since 2007, J Wasser & Co has earned accolades from discerning property owners and tenants in NY and NJ. Our unwavering commitment to excellence is evident in the meticulous management of over 5,900 residential, mixed-use, and commercial units. Renowned for our deep understanding of the New York and New Jersey property landscape, we take pride in our responsiveness to the diverse needs of both property owners and tenants.
As part of our strategic growth, we have expanded our footprint in 2018 to encompass the dynamic markets of Indianapolis, Atlanta, and Savannah. This expansion reflects our dedication to providing exceptional property management services across diverse regions. With a portfolio that now extends beyond NY and NJ, we continue to uphold our commitment to excellence and cater to the needs of property owners and tenants in these thriving markets.
Chief Operations Officer
Rentals Manager
Senior Managing Director
Regional Operations Manager
Operations Manager
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